Sunday, February 26, 2012

Father's Day Initiative...T-16 Weeks

It's been a few weeks since the last update.

It's been an okay month for me despite several challenges that have come up derailing some of my routines. Over the past few weeks I have managed to drop a total of 4 pounds. I must say that I'm feeling good about my progress thus far...reaching a total of 7 pounds lost thus far. I hope I can keep it going over 16 more weeks.

My plan is to keep my steady routine of hitting the gym/pool as often as I can...4 to 5 days a week. Now I must say that Lent is going to help out tremendously. I am giving up chocolate for Lent and that's going to cut out a lot of desserts I like to eat. We'll see if a few more pounds can come off leading up to Easter.

What's your progress?

Be T.R.U.E.

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