Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Princess Chronicles

I recently took part in a Holiday party at a Family Resource Center located in the Atlanta metro area. It was an event that allowed single mothers to be in one ballroom to enjoy a well prepared meal and fellowship; while the kids were in another room with volunteers playing, talking, and watching a movie. One of the extras is that gifts were provided to the kids and for the kids to give to their mom. The gifts provided to the kids were a set of books.

The books given to the kids were prepared to be age appropriate for each kid. Well there was one little girl that was very sad (tears being shed) with the books she received. She really wanted a princess book that some of the younger girls received. I think some of the other volunteers may have thought she was being ungrateful. Once I sat down with her to get her to stop crying, I asked her about the tears. She went on to tell me that she doesn't like "chapter" books...she likes princess books. I realized her sadness wasn' t solely based on her liking princess books. The root of the matter was the chapter books she received was not age appropriate for her. A simple mistake made by the volunteers distributing the books.

I then starting talking to her about princesses and asked her if she was a princess. She said no she wasn't but that she had princess items at home. I told her that she is a princess and that every little girl is a princess. She then told me something that really struck a chord with me as a father. She said, "My daddy doesn't call me a princess". Without even thinking, I told her that she is a princess and that she will always be a princess know matter what. I felt a lot better when her tears dried up and we then found a book that she liked and read it from cover to cover. By the time the party was over, she was all smiles again and greeted her mother with a big smile of party enjoyment.

Now initially I was wondering who the father was and why doesn't he tell his daughter that she is a princess and that she is his little princess. I realized that maybe that's something some fathers don't say to their daughters.

It is my belief that every little girl should feel as though she is a princess and hear those words of acclamation...and if possible, that acclamation should come from the father. I think I tell my 2-year old daughter everyday that she is my beautiful black princess...if not everyday, then I know it's at least 6 days of the week. And I know she receives it.

So to all the "Pops" out there, as we go into this holiday season, tell your daughters that she is your princess and you love her. Even if she is grown, tell her. I feel this is one of the best gifts we can give to our daughters...making them feel they are royalty to us.

Be T.R.U.E.
C Wells

Sunday, December 4, 2011

How Many Times?

Now I truly love my kids with every inch of my mind, body, and soul. But why do they make it a point to call my name a minimum of 50 times a day. Sometimes I just want to ignore them because in some cases, they don't want anything. They are just calling "Daddy".

One thing I do realize, and I consistently check myself to make sure I'm not slipping in the good father category, is that my kids want my attention. The thing is that it appears (maybe I am exaggerating a little) they want my attention every minute of the day. As I said before, I consistently check myself to see if I am spending the quality with them that they and I need to ensure our relationship lacks at nothing.

You see, while the consistent calling of "Daddy" gets tiring sometimes; I can't imagine not hearing the "Daddy" calls. It lets me know that they know "Daddy" is here and will always be here for us. I want them to always know that I am here...right now, in the near future, in the far future, and even when I depart this earth.

Yeah son and baby girl, you can call "Daddy" as many times as you want. I will always answer.

Be T.R.U.E.
C Wells

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

For The Right Reason

It's been a long time...almost 2 years. Man, what have I been doing over this timeframe? Well, trying to be the best father I can for my kids. From my now 17 year old stepson, to my 6 year old son, and now my 2 year old daughter. It's been a constant and busy journey...with time being more precious than any jewel on this earth.

Still, I have no valid excuse why I haven't been submitting posts to my blog. Heck, everyday I have experiences, thoughts, ideas that running through my mind and I say..."I need to write that down and put on the blog". I guess I've been lazy or I would say that I've been undermining the need to document what's in my mind.

This morning, something hit me (not literally) and I realized I have to start pushing information into my blog. Surprisingly, it's not for the original reason why I started this blog some years ago...which is "To Restore, Unite, and Empower fathers". This morning I realized that I need to capture and document my thoughts in this blog to ensure I pass along the wisdom I gain over the years to my children.

You see, my boys will be fathers one day and my daughter will have a husband that will be the father of her children. I need to leave them with as much knowledge possible so they can learn the do's and don'ts of fatherhood...learning from my ups and downs. I owe this to them. Yes, I will consistently talk to them about different things in life, but when it's written down and archived, they can always fall back on what's written and published.

So it's my goal to keep a rhythm going with this blog. The posts may not be long, but they don't have to be. It may be two or three lines that I want to capture and share on the blog that may say more than 3 pages worth of words.

I just have to stay committed...and know that I am doing this for the right reason.

Be T.R.U.E.
C Wells