Friday, June 13, 2008

Happy Father's Day

I just want to wish all the fathers out in the world...fathers that are active in their kids lives, fathers that are not active in their kids lives, fathers that want to be active in their kids lives, and soon to be fathers... a Happy Father's Day weekend. I pray that you take time this weekend to reflect on the responsibility and the blessing that God has entrusted you with...your child/children. I pray that many people call you this weekend to congratulate you and thank you for handling your business of fatherhood. For many, this is your first Father's Day...ENJOY IT!!! We don't get any other days of honor so we have to take advantage of this day. Try to do something special for yourself. A friend of mine told me that he goes out for a round of golf with a few other fathers he knows to celebrate the weekend. Whatever you do, do it with pride and enjoyment. And don't forget to thank God for another year as a Father!

Be strong and talk to you soon.

*** Don't forget to email pics of you and your kids for display in the "T.R.U.E. Pics" section. Email the pictures to . ***