Sunday, December 4, 2011

How Many Times?

Now I truly love my kids with every inch of my mind, body, and soul. But why do they make it a point to call my name a minimum of 50 times a day. Sometimes I just want to ignore them because in some cases, they don't want anything. They are just calling "Daddy".

One thing I do realize, and I consistently check myself to make sure I'm not slipping in the good father category, is that my kids want my attention. The thing is that it appears (maybe I am exaggerating a little) they want my attention every minute of the day. As I said before, I consistently check myself to see if I am spending the quality with them that they and I need to ensure our relationship lacks at nothing.

You see, while the consistent calling of "Daddy" gets tiring sometimes; I can't imagine not hearing the "Daddy" calls. It lets me know that they know "Daddy" is here and will always be here for us. I want them to always know that I am here...right now, in the near future, in the far future, and even when I depart this earth.

Yeah son and baby girl, you can call "Daddy" as many times as you want. I will always answer.

Be T.R.U.E.
C Wells

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