Wednesday, November 30, 2011

For The Right Reason

It's been a long time...almost 2 years. Man, what have I been doing over this timeframe? Well, trying to be the best father I can for my kids. From my now 17 year old stepson, to my 6 year old son, and now my 2 year old daughter. It's been a constant and busy journey...with time being more precious than any jewel on this earth.

Still, I have no valid excuse why I haven't been submitting posts to my blog. Heck, everyday I have experiences, thoughts, ideas that running through my mind and I say..."I need to write that down and put on the blog". I guess I've been lazy or I would say that I've been undermining the need to document what's in my mind.

This morning, something hit me (not literally) and I realized I have to start pushing information into my blog. Surprisingly, it's not for the original reason why I started this blog some years ago...which is "To Restore, Unite, and Empower fathers". This morning I realized that I need to capture and document my thoughts in this blog to ensure I pass along the wisdom I gain over the years to my children.

You see, my boys will be fathers one day and my daughter will have a husband that will be the father of her children. I need to leave them with as much knowledge possible so they can learn the do's and don'ts of fatherhood...learning from my ups and downs. I owe this to them. Yes, I will consistently talk to them about different things in life, but when it's written down and archived, they can always fall back on what's written and published.

So it's my goal to keep a rhythm going with this blog. The posts may not be long, but they don't have to be. It may be two or three lines that I want to capture and share on the blog that may say more than 3 pages worth of words.

I just have to stay committed...and know that I am doing this for the right reason.

Be T.R.U.E.
C Wells

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